Our History.

Our Factory Established in 2006 in the Sahab industrial zone, ourFactory embarked on a journey marked by continuous growth andcommitment to excellence. Commencing production in 2007 withthree injection machines and eight employees, our response to marketdemands led to an expansion in 2010—acquiring a new building andfour additional machines. Diversification occurred in 2011 with theintroduction of vacuum blood collection tubes, accompanied by ISO9001 certification. Quality remained paramount, prompting extensiveefforts in 2012.

A milestone was achieved in 2013 with the construction of a new5000m² facility, meeting Jordanian manufacturing standards. ISO 13485and CE Certificates were secured in 2015, followed by a Free SaleCertificate in Europe in 2016. The year 2018 marked another significantmilestone with the attainment of the GMP Certificate, coinciding with aworkforce exceeding 70 employees. Our history reflects a legacy built ondedication, innovation, and an unwavering pursuit of quality.

Our Factory.

Our Lab.

The factory has a specialized laboratory for quality and control checks, where chemical and microbial tests are carried out for each batch number that is produced.
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Specialized In Manufacturing & Supplying Of Medical & Lab Disposable Under Standard Methods